Sunday Share #21

What's been happening this week? 
I thought last week's Sunday Share #20 was a going to be a quick post...well this week is going to be even quicker! Both of my kiddies have been sick, with asthma and viral infections. Miss B had an asthma attack on Monday at school, and it lasted all week. Thankfully, we were able to manage it at home and didn't need to go the hospital - we did go to the Doctor however - to get some prednisolone to help with the inflammation. She is much better now. Miss B is a severe asthmatic and has been in and out of hospital (including ICU 4-5 times) since she was 5. The past two years we have seen a huge improvement, and it really has come down to managing her asthma, and our education about her condition. 

Master M had a bit of a viral bug and this lead to him being quite wheezy and breathing rapidly. I took him straight to the hospital to get checked out. He has a viral induced wheeze and we were sent home with some salbutamol to help with this breathing (if needed). Master M also has cut two teeth -  his 9th and 10th  - so he is dealing with that as well. There have been times when he's been absolutely miserable and then there have been are times when he is happy as Larry, playing with his big sister. 

So two sicks kids at home meant that I had no work on Tuesday, we didn't go to Mainly Music on Wednesday or PLAY on Friday. It's horrible when your babies get sick, however I did love all the extra cuddles I got! Ooh and Master M is giving me proper kisses now, it's so cute. Fingers crossed both kiddies are back to their healthy selves next week! 

Have you had sick kids at home this week? 

You may notice a few new tabs at the top of the page...over the next couple of weeks, I am going to be making some changes (just little ones) to make my blog more organised and easy for you to find some of my favourite posts. Remember you can always use my Search bar and the "I Blog About" section to find previous posts. 

Blogging - this includes links to all my posts for Blogging from A to Z Challenge. A one-stop shop for some great reads (if I don't say so myself). Grab a cuppa and enjoy reading extra tidbits of my life, home and family plus some really creative ideas! 

Get Creative - I love to dabble in DIY and Crafts, so this is where I will posting links to my favourite creations. This page is a work in progress and I will be adding a few more posts over the next week or so. 

Sunday Share - Have you missed a Sunday Share post? Now you can see every previous Sunday Share post in ONE place! How cool is that? I love this series as it's my place where I get to share the things that are happening in our lives RIGHT NOW! Plus it's a great place to share my photos from the FMS Photo a Day Challenge each week. You can also see them on my Instragram @charlene_ttmn.

Blog Love - This is my go-to page for all the fabulous bloggers I follow! They are my favourite blogs who I visit regularly because they are filled with creative ideas and inspiring posts.  I am sure you will find some new blogs to follow and love, in amongst my list. I will be adding to this list as I find new blogs all the time.

Well, that's all from me. I hope you have a fabulous week!

Here's what I snapped this week for #FMSPhotoaDay Challenge

May 18. Musical

May 19. My Mood Today

May 20. Equal

May 21. In a drawer

May 22. Weather

May 23. Good Times

May 24. Right of Thirds

Week 22 looks like a lot of fun! Come and join in...All you have to do is take a photo that matches the prompt, upload it to Facebook or Instagram and add hashtag #fmsphotoaday +Chantelle Ellem (FatMumSlim) 

Have a wonderful week!

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